InJavarevisitedbykaixinbaba10 Advanced Open Source Command-Line Tools Enhance Your ProductivityLinux was born in 1991, and commands we know well like ls, cd, ps were also created around that era. Although they are products of 30 years…Apr 15, 20248Apr 15, 20248
Nisali KularatneHow to structure, package, and release an application to a Kubernetes cluster, while using an…Automate application release process with Kubernetes and ArgoCDAug 28, 2021Aug 28, 2021
InCriteo Tech BlogbyRaphaël BizosHow we reduced our Prometheus infrastructure footprint by a thirdPrometheus sharding crash courseApr 11, 2023Apr 11, 2023
InGeek CulturebyTonyDevOps in Linux — Useful TricksFew tricks for DevOps operations in LinuxDec 30, 20224Dec 30, 20224
InGoogle Cloud - CommunitybyMete AtamelIntroducing Cloud Functions support in Cloud CodeCloud Code has been providing IDE support for the development cycle of Kubernetes and Cloud Run applications for a while now. I’m happy to…Dec 12, 20221Dec 12, 20221
Christopher QuilesHow to Lock Terraform State with S3 bucket in DynamoDB.This lab will show you how to lock your Terraform state file in DynamoDB.Oct 27, 20203Oct 27, 20203
jianan luHow to switch git branches more gracefullyIn daily development, we often need to switch the git branch. When we switch the git branch, we inevitably need to copy or manually print…Feb 13, 20191Feb 13, 20191
MicroPyramidTMUX — Sharing terminal between UsersMore Often you would’ve come across sharing screens with applications like Teamviewer, Windows Remote Desktop Connection or remmina (if…Apr 7, 2017Apr 7, 2017